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Status of Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station When the Tsunami hit

Upload dateJuly 13, 2012

after 25:48

Photo taken on March 11, 2011
Photo taken by Tokyo Electric Power Company

Regarding the photos of the tsunami that hit Fukushima NPS taken from the the Central Radioactive Waste Treatment Facility (Miscellaneous Solid Waste Volume Reduction Treatment Building), 11 were released on May 19, 2011, and 33 were released on July 9, 2012. However, the photo-taken time noted below each photo is not precise since it was took from the built-in clock of the camera. Therefore, we lined up the photos in in chronological order and replaced the photo-taken time to the past time from the time when the first photo was taken (as of July 13, 2012).


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Status of the accident 


Effect of tsunami / 1st week after March 11

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