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Progress Status of Fukushima Daini Nuclear Power Station Restoration Plan (Monthly Report: November 2012)

Upload dateDecember 5, 2012
●Installation of a power panel (M/C 1HPCS) in Unit 1 Reactor Building Annex (November 1)
Power panel (M/C 1HPCS) installation completed on November 1, 2012
(Photo taken on November 5, 2012)
●Installation of the control panel (high voltage panel) and the generator of the emergency diesel generator (H system) in Unit 1 Reactor Building Annex (November 9)
High voltage panel installation completed on November 9, 2012
(Photo taken on December 4, 2012)
Generator (rotor) installation
(Photo taken on October 23, 2012)
●Installation of the power panel (P/C 2C-2) in Unit 2 Seawater Heat Exchanger Building (November 12)
Function check completed on November 12, 2012
(Photo taken on November 12, 2012)
●Permanent installation of the generators of the residual heat removal system cooling systems (A and C) in Unit 2 Seawater Heat Exchanger Building (November 28)
Switching to the permanent cable completed
(Photo taken on November 21, 2012)
●Generator of the residual heat removal system cooling system (C)
Before switching to the permanent cable
(Photo taken on November 20, 2012)
Permanent cable installation
(Photo taken on November 20, 2012)
Switching to the permanent cable completed
(Photo taken on November 21, 2012)
●Permanent installation of the generators of the residual heat removal system cooling seawater systems(A and C) in Unit 2 Seawater Heat Exchanger Building (November 29)
Taking cable core out of the permanent cable for the generator of the residual heat removal system cooling seawater system pump (C)
(Photo taken on September 22, 2012)
●Permanent installation of the generator of the emergency diesel generator cooling system (A) in Unit 2 Seawater Heat Exchanger Building (November 26)
Permanent cable installation
(Photo taken on November 21, 2012)
Taking cable core out of the permanent cable
(Photo taken on November 21, 2012)
Permanent cable installation completed
(Photo taken on November 21, 2012)
●Permanent installation of the generator of the component cooling water system (A) in Unit 2 Seawater Heat Exchanger Building (November 29)
Before switching to the permanent cables
(Photo taken on November 27, 2012)
Permanent cable terminal installation
(Photo taken on November 27, 2012)
Permanent cable installation completed
(Photo taken on November 27, 2012)
●Inspection of the Structures inside Unit 4 Reactor
Inspection conducted on the dolly
(Photo taken on November 30)
Fuel assembly
(Photo taken in the spent fuel pool on November 30, 2012)
Core shroud (lower part and outer surface)
(Photo taken in the reactor on November 29, 2012)
Fuel support
(Photo taken in the spent fuel pool on November 27, 2012)
Shroud support
(Photo taken in the reactor on November 30, 2012)

Control rod guide pipe
(Photo taken in the spent fuel pool on November 27, 2012)

Photo taken by Tokyo Electric Power Company


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