The implementation status of Emergency Response Training at Fukushima Daini Nuclear Power Station

pictured on May 13,2011

pictured on May 13,2011

Deploying a power-supply car to the reactor building (Unit 1)
pictured on May 13,2011

Connecting power cables (Unit 1)
pictured on May 13,2011

Pouring the water into a temporary pool in the reactor building (Unit 4)
pictured on May 13,2011

Transporting the water to the reactor building using a fire engine (Unit 1)
pictured on May 13,2011

Installing a back up nitrogen gas cylinder to drive valves (Unit 3) 1
pictured on May 13,2011

Installing a back up nitrogen gas cylinder to drive valves (Unit 3) 2
pictured on May 13,2011

Carrying out a mock generator (turbine building at Unit 4)
pictured on May 13,2011

Transporting to seawater condenser building at Unit 4
pictured on May 13,2011
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