【Video】Survey on the inside of Unit 3 Spent Fuel Pool for Removal of Debris , Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station

・Near the surface of Spent Fuel Pool (1:00)
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・Fuel Rack, Spent Fuel Pool(1) (0:30)
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・Fuel Rack, Spent Fuel Pool(2) (1:00)
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・Fuel Handling Machine, Spent Fuel Pool(1) (0:30)
・Fuel Handling Machine, Spent Fuel Pool(2) (0:40)
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Video on April 13 , 2012
by Tokyo Electric Power Company
<Reference> (update on April 13 , 2012)
Survey on the inside of Unit 3 Spent Fuel Pool for Removal of Debris , Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station (PDF: 37.6KB)
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